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Experience design, technology, and the future of market research

Join Isabelle Zdatny from the Qualtrics XM Institute for a discussion on the latest experience design trends, and the role of technology in helping to scale innovation in companies around the world.

She’ll walk you through how to put your organisation in the best position possible to design breakthrough products and services using experience design.

What you’ll learn:

  • Current experience design trends and best practices

  • How technology can help facilitate breakthrough designs

  • Hear from Qualtrics on latest DesignXM innovations and vision

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Picture of Isabelle Zdatny

Isabelle Zdatny

Principal Analyst, Qualtrics XM Institute

Isabelle helps large organisations design and operate successful experience management (XM) programs by producing industry thought leadership, developing and delivering training, consulting with companies, and speaking on key XM topics and trends.

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