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Global Advanced-Reports Settings

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About Global Settings

You can adjust global settings for the font color, font size, margins, and other aesthetic features for your whole report.

To adjust the global settings for a report, go to one of the following:
In the toolbar, the gear button and the settings option under the file menu

  1. Click File then Settings
  2. The global settings icon

The information on this page applies to both survey advanced-reports and 360 reports unless otherwise specified.

Qtip: These settings automatically apply to visualizations you haven’t edited. Once you edit a visualization, global settings will no longer apply to it.

Visualization Tab

On the Visualization tab, you can adjust global settings for visualizations. This affects their default font, decimals, colors, and margins. As you make adjustments, the visualizations on the right of the window will adjust, so you can preview your changes before saving them.

Fonts and Table Density

For each portion of the report, you can adjust the font face, the font size, and the font color. For table headers, you can also make the font bold, if desired.

Click the corresponding dropdown to change the font face or size.

Font settings and their corresponding place in the report

Qtip: Changes made to the Body Text Format apply to the global header and footer, in addition to any text areas you might insert into the report.

You can also adjust the Table Density to determine how close or far apart the text in a table is.

Response Count

This option is only available in 360 reports. The Response Count displays how many responses make up the data in a given visualization. You may choose to show the response count in either the top left or top right corner of your visualizations, or choose to hide the response count altogether.

the response count setting for determining where response counts appear on visualziations

a gauge chart with response counts in the top left corner


Metric dropdown

Change what metric appears in your visualizations by default.

Choice Count is the number of times each choice was selected by a respondent. For answers where the respondent can choose more than one answer, this may mean the numbers add up to more choices made than people who responded.

Percentage is the percentage a choice makes up of all the choices in a question. Like Choices Count, this is also based on the number of choices made, not the number of respondents.

Decimal Places

Decimal places field

The Decimal Places dropdown allows you to choose how many decimal places display with your numeric data. This setting affects both charts and graphs.


Weighting field

This option is not available in 360 reports. If you have set up Response Weighting, determine if you will use the weighted values in your report or if you will use the unweighted data.

Select Disabled to use unweighted data in the report. Select Enabled to use the weights.

Table Totals

Totals option is selected revealing more selections

Table Totals allow you to calculate and display the total sum of each row or column in a Data Table visualization. When deselected, you will not be able to add Table totals.

Below are the options included when you enable Table Totals.

  • Show Totals: Decide between totals being displayed for rows or columns.
  • Show Percentages: Decide if you would like to display percentages next to each value in a data table.
    Table with percentages next to integeres
  • Total Counts: This option is useful if you are reporting on a multiple select-style question, where respondents can choose multiple answers.
    • Choice Totals: Base data on the number of choices. This can add up to more than the number of respondents because respondents can choose multiple answers for one question.
    • Respondent Totals: Base data on the number of respondents. This will only ever add up to the number of respondents who answered the question. If the respondent skipped a question, then this number may be less than the number of completed responses you’ve received.

Visualization Margin

Margin option on the left and what it affects outlined in red on the right

Under Visualization Margin,  you can select how much space appears between one visualization and the next. These margins are represented by solid and dotted blue lines around each chart and graph. These lines only appear to you when building your report, and will not appear in exports or print outs.

Your options include NoneCompact, Normal, and Spacious.

To precisely set your margin dimensions, click Advanced below your margin settings. You can then specify the default margin on each side of your visualizations.
after clicking advanced under margins, you can set the margin on each side of a visualization independently

Display Logic

Qtip: This is not the same as Display Logic in the survey editor.

Display Logic selected revealing a field

Display logic can be found in the Visualization tab. When selected, display logic lets you set the default anonymity threshold of your report. Determine how many people must answer a question before the visualization appears in the public link to the report. (This data will remain in PDF exports.)

This feature is important in making sure no one knows who answered what. If there’s no display logic set and Barnaby is the only person to answer the survey, everyone who looks at the report will know what answers Barnaby gave to the survey.

Qtip: For 360 reports, check out Rater Category Display Logic for information about how to limit data being shown based on the relationships of the submitted evaluations.

Color Palette

Global Color Palette

Click the dropdown to select the colors you want your chart visualizations to appear in by default.

Select Reverse Colors to reverse the order the colors in the palette appear.

Modifying Custom Palettes

In addition to choosing from preset color palettes, you can create your own custom palette to use in your reports.

  1. Click Modify Custom Palettes.
    modify custom palettes link
  2. Click Add Custom Palette.
    add custom palette button in the center of the modify custom palettes window
  3. Drag your cursor around the middle of the color picker to choose the shade. Drag your cursor on the bar on the right of the color picker to select a color.
    add custom palette window where you select colors
  4. Click Remove to get rid of a color.
  5. Click the plus sign ( + ) to add another color to your palette. You can add up to eight.
  6. Click a color to change it.
    create button on bottom-right of add custom palette window
  7. Click Create to save your palette.
  8. Click the edit icon to edit your palette.
    edit and delete buttons next to new color palette
  9. Click the trash icon to delete your palette.
  10. Click Close.
  11. Back on the global settings, click Save.

Default Settings

It can be a hassle to edit your colors, fonts, and visualizations over and over again. Global Settings help you create a standard style for your whole report, but what about when you create a new report? Do you have to start editing your global settings all over again?

Thanks to Default Settings, you can choose your favorite global settings for reuse over and over again. Any new reports you create will take on your personalized default settings, and you can easily switch old reports over.

Applying Default Settings

When you click the default settings dropdown arrow, you have three options:
apply my default settings dropdown

  • Save as my default settings: Allows you to save changes you’ve made on this window as personalized default settings. This option does not apply changes to the report you’re working on, but saves them for reuse. These default settings will be applied to new reports you create.
  • Apply my default settings: Apply the default settings you saved earlier.
  • Apply Qualtrics default: Go back to the default Qualtrics settings.

Page Tab

The Page tab on the global settings window allows you to adjust how the report will appear when printed or saved as a PDF.
page tab of the setting window

  • Page Size: Decide the size of paper that each page of your report should fit on when printed. Letter is standard printer paper size.
  • Orientation: Decide the orientation of the page. Portrait is standard.
  • Margins: Decide the size of the margins. By default this is in inches, but you can change it to centimeters in the Locale or Translations tab.
Qtip: If you click Advanced on your margins, you can determine the margins on the top, bottom, and sides of the page independently.
at the bottom of the page settings, fields for all sides of the margin

Translations Tab

Qtip: The Translations tab is only available for 360 reports.

The Translations tab allows you to make changes for language, default measurements, and time zone.
locale tab of the settings window

  • Export translations: Click Export to export the translations from the subject report to the file type indicated in the dropdown. More information can be found on our Translating a Survey page.
  • Upload translations: Upload a translation file to add a translation to your report. More information can be found on our Translating a Survey page.
  • Length Unit: The default unit used to measure margins in your report.
  • Timezone: The time zone of your report. If you adjust filters based on time, they will obey this global time zone rather than the time zone in your account settings.

Uploading 360 Subject Report Translations

For a list of languages supported, see the Languages in Qualtrics page.

  1. Export the report translations file.
    Shows the export translations button in 360 global settings.
  2. Open the file in a spreadsheet editor on your computer.
  3. Add your translations to their corresponding language column. Here are some general tips:
    • See the List of Language Codes page for guidance about each language column.
    • Follow the file’s exact formatting for creating your translations.
    • Use the English column (EN) as a guide.
    • Copy and paste to ensure formatting is correct. Do not delete or rearrange the columns, as this will cause the import to fail and translations to be lost.
    • Do not delete the strings of numbers and letters – these are internal IDs that identify the parts of the dashboard you are translating.
  4. Save your file as a CSV file with UTF-8 encoding or as a TSV.
  5. In the Translations tab, click the Choose a file button and select your translation file.
    Upload translations pane.
  6. Click Upload.
  7. Click Save.

Locale Tab

The Translations tab allows you to make changes for the report’s default measurements and time zone.

Locale tab in a survey's report settings

  • Length Unit: The default unit used to measure margins in your report.
  • Timezone: The time zone of your report. If you adjust filters based on time, they will obey this global time zone rather than the time zone in your account settings.

Rater Category Display Logic

Qtip: Rater category display logic is only available for 360 reports.

Rater Category Display Logic is used to customize the conditions under which a data source is displayed based on how many responses have been submitted by evaluators that have a specific relationship with the subject. You can set logic that allows you to hide or display a data source under specific conditions. Typically this is used to protect response anonymity when there is a low response rate. For example, if only one of the subject’s Peers respond, then the subject knows who gave the responses they’re seeing in the Peer graphs and tables. Hence, you should hide Peer data until a certain amount has been collected.

Qtip: Rater Category Display Logic only applies to widgets broken out by rater groups.

Creating Rater Category Display Logic

  1. In the Global Settings, click Modify Rater Category Display Logic.
    the modify rater category display logic option in report options
  2. Click Create New.
    creating a condition to not display data if other responses is below 1
  3. Give your logic a name so you can easily identify it.
  4. Choose if you’d like to Hide or Show data when the conditions are met.
  5. Select the data you’d like to hide or show. You can select the Entire Report, or any of the available filters on the report, such as manager responses or self evaluations.
  6. Choose if all of your conditions must be true, or if any of them can be true. See All vs. Any for more information on these options.
  7. Choose the relationship to base the condition on.
    Example: If I wanted to hide manager responses below a certain threshold, I would select Manager.
  8. Select the operand for your condition.
  9. Choose how many responses must exist for the condition.
  10. If desired, click Insert New Condition or Insert New Condition Set to add additional conditions to your logic. See New Conditions and Condition Sets for more information.
    Attention: You can add up to 30 conditions.
  11. Click Save and Apply.

Using Multiple Rater Category Display Logic Conditions

You can create multiple rater category display logic conditions that will apply to your subject report. After creating rater category display logic conditions, they’ll be saved in the sidebar of display logic editor. You can click on a given condition set to view its conditions and edit them as needed. To remove a display logic set from your report, click the X next to the display logic’s name.

multiple rater category display logic conditions in the editor

Custom Metrics

You can make your own custom metrics in reports. Using equations and existing project fields, you can create new results that can then be displayed in text areas in your report.

Qtip: Custom metrics are a great replacement for math operations in reports.
Qtip: This page is about a feature in survey reports, report templates, and 360 subject reports. This page does not refer to the CX Dashboard Custom Metrics feature.

Creating a Custom Metric

This is where you can view all the custom metrics you created for this report, and create new ones.

  1. Click the Settings gear.
    Settings window opened in a paginated report. Custom metrics is at the bottom of the window after scrolling, after display logic
  2. Scroll to Custom Metrics and select Modify Custom Metrics.
  3. Click Create Custom Metric.
    Button in the middle of the window that says create custom metric
  4. Name your custom metric.
    Window where you create a custom metric
  5. Enter your equation into the field. See below for a list of available syntax and operators.
  6. You can also use existing project fields in your equations. See the next section on piped text.
Qtip: The Equation Result field will show you the output of the equation you created, even if you insert piped text.

Inserting Piped Text

You can insert existing data into your metrics using piped text. This allows you to calculate new values based on data you’ve already collected.

Insert custom metrics button expanded, showing menus where you choose a data source and type of data to insert into the metric

  1. To include an existing field in the custom metric, click Insert Piped Text.
  2. Hover over one of the following options:
    • Survey Data: This is the project you created the report in. Total responses refers to the total number of responses collected in the project. You can also hover over a question or scoring category of your choice and select one of the following metrics:
      • Mean: The average value of the responses collected. Calculated using recode values.
      • Minimum: The minimum value provided as an answer to the question. Calculated using recode values.
      • Maximum: The maximum value provided as an answer to the question. Calculated using recode values.
      • Net Promoter Score: See Calculating Net Promoter Score®.
      • Response Count: The number of responses provided to the question. If the question has display logic or doesn’t have validation, this number might be lower than the total number of responses for the survey.
      • Sum: The sum of all answers to the question. Calculated using recode values.
    • Data Sources: Choose from one of the projects in your account. For every survey, you can choose the Total responses collected, or select a question or scoring category in that project and then one of the metrics listed above.
  3. Click Save when you’re finished.
Example: In the screenshot above, we chose the same project we created the report in. We then chose the mean of the satisfaction score because we’re interested in the average satisfaction of the respondents we surveyed.

Example: We want to create a weighted calculation. We have two scoring categories we want to include: communication and openness. We want to weight the average communication score 2 times, then add it to the average openness. Here’s how we combine them in a custom metric:

Equation in a custom metric window

Qtip: If you’re creating a custom metric in a survey project, you can only pipe values from other survey projects. If you’re creating a custom metric in a 360 project, you can only pipe values from other 360 projects, and so on.


You can use periods for decimals (e.g., 3.14) but you cannot use commas (e.g., 100,000).

Spaces between numbers and operators do not affect the equation’s result. For example, 3 + 3 and 3+3 would have the same result of 6.

Available Operations

Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division

1 + 2 – 3 / 4 * 8 results in -3.


Parentheses may be added to specify order of operations.

( 1 + 2 – 3 ) / 4 * 8 results in 0.

Qtip: Custom metrics follow the standard order of operations: parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction.

Not Supported

Custom metrics do not support exponents or any other operations not listed above.

Using Custom Metrics in Reports

Click on or create a text area. Click on the text area until you see the rich content editor, then use the piped text menu ( {a} ) to select a custom metric.

Adding a custom metric in a text area

Managing Custom Metrics

You can edit a custom metric’s name and equation at any time.

Custom metrics window opened, icons next to each existing custom metric are highlighted

You can also copy a custom metric or click the X to delete it.